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Scarlets Fever: Ulster Showdown and Drovers Treble?

Scarlets Fever: Ulster Showdown and Drovers Treble?


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The podcast hosts discuss recent rugby matches and upcoming games. They talk about the performance of teams like Slanderby, Cardiff, and Newport. They also mention a young player named Max Page who may debut for the Scarlets next season. The hosts debate the use of playoffs in the league and share their thoughts on the upcoming final. They also discuss the potential positions that Page could play for the team. Welcome to Scarlet's Fever, the home of Sussman Central and Westerra is best of us. Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Scarlet's Fever podcast. Joining me is Big M as always, Cat Boy and Carwyn. How are we doing boys? Good evening, I'm a bit delicate tonight after my sister's wedding over the weekend. Nicest day of the year, they got married so I'm not at my spruciest, I don't know if that's even a word but we'll go with that. Well after the event in Cardiff we've got to use spruce somewhere haven't we? Nice. Was the boss in Cardiff was he? Yeah. Very good. I was off to Gloucester again, I managed to get myself another free ticket to a European knockout game. So I was in taking in Gloucester versus Benetton, I was cheering for Benetton, unfortunately obviously didn't get the result but I had an absolutely class day, like you said the weather was great, Gloucester's great and I met up with the guys and girls from the Spritz and Scrum podcast, Italian rugby podcast and I was sat with them in the grounds and chatting to them and waiting for a drink with them after and yeah I had an absolutely brilliant day. So basically every time you go to Kingshorn, Gloucester wins. 2 out of 2, 2 out of 2. I think they want to get you in there every day but, I've had a bit of a boring week but I get to go on holidays in two days time, yay. Where you going? Off to Turkey then. Turkey, you getting your teeth done while you're there? I should do it because they are absolutely disgusting, I don't think they've been anything even close to white for a good few years. So let's just kick on, there's not a great deal to chat about this week so let's look at what we've got to share in the community game. So I'm trying to share this, can you all see? It's loading, there we are, yes. Well hey, so first up we have the Premiership play-off semi-finals, Slanderby against Cardiff. Did either of you catch the game? No, it was out. I've recorded it, yeah. Well, you've missed the treat because, honest to God, it was a great game to watch. It really typified proper knock-out rugby. Slanderby just came out of the blocks firing, everything they were doing was fast, it was fluid. The Cardiff defence was just so solid in that first half, they just couldn't break through it. I think Cardiff went into the half 10-6 up and it was just barrage after barrage on Slanderby. For 50-55 minutes the doors cracked and we just started running in tries, finished 34-13. They were an absolute worthy from-match page. If anyone doesn't know, this boy is an academy player of ours. Normally he plays 13, but he's up on the wing. He picked up two tries himself. We had two other boys in the squad in the 23, on the bench I should say. Harry Thomas and Kieran Abram. Abram came on and scored a try as well, so that really kicks the lark's heads. So, on to the final now. Divock against Newport. So, Newport won 48-13 in their Gwent derby semi-final against Eddow Vale. So, what are we thinking? Newport have really kicked up a storm now this whole season. I think they've only lost one game less than the Drovers. Yeah, Newport are a hell of a team. Having watched them a few times, they love to score tries, they love to do the razzle-dazzle. And they did a job on Drovers a few weeks back, didn't they, in the rain? We thought that Drovers were going to do a job on them based on the scrum dominance that they had. But Newport managed to get some breakaway tries. I think it was only three tries, which is quite low scoring for a Welsh Prem game this time of year. Of course, Drovers won the return fixture earlier in the season though. Yeah, that game a few weeks ago finished 24-6 to Newport. We've been following Llandyfri all season, so obviously we expected a win, if not a big win. But I was looking at the squad afterwards, and they were a really young squad for Llandyfri. They gave a debut to a boy, Sam Potter. He'd been playing for Almonford all season at 10, and they had him on the bench. So I don't think they exactly targeted the game as one to really dig in. I think it was more of a case of, you know what, we're probably going to end up playing you again at some point in the play-off list. Maybe ease off. I know teams don't generally admit to doing things like that. And I'm probably witching a little bit, wanting Drovers to be fully fledged and coming out on top. But yeah, I still have hope. And they finished top by a point, so it was risky if that was the plan. Yeah, well, they didn't need that final bonus point. They had the wins in the bag if they needed it. But at the same time, you know, Llandyfri have done it down Cardiff away last season. And I know this Newport side isn't Cardiff, but I believe that the Drovers can really fancy themselves. They can say wherever they go, they will say, yeah, we can do this. And to be fair, you know, they could probably walk up at one of the regions and think, yeah, we can have it. And, you know, definitely us. I've seen that far as much. I just think that Bank of Regulars have just been a bit of a fortress. I fancy them at home. I will say, though, I don't really agree with the play-offs. I think if you top off the 24 games, then you've won the league. The fact that they were 26 and 25 points, Llandyfri and Newport, ahead of their semi-final opponents. There is some poetic justice that it's the top two teams in the final. And I know Llandyfri benefited, obviously, last season from the play-offs. But I think if you're that far ahead, what does two extra games prove? I will do a shameless plug here. We had Gareth Potter from Llandyfri Coaching set up on a pod rugby Cymru last Thursday. They were taking the game serious. They weren't taking the league points difference between them and Cardiff for granted. And they nailed that, Cardiff coming down, all guns blazing. From the bits I've seen and read, it looks like it was a real caulker until the last 60. And even maybe a bit later than that. They just had that extra gear and booked their place in the final. And keep the treble alive. I was talking to somebody on Friday. The treble has only been done once before. Obviously, not every year, the play-offs and stuff. But Pontypridd did it, apparently, back in the early... I think it was the early noughties, he said. So, he's three in the making. What was the treble back then? It's the same, the cup finishing top and then winning the play-offs. I can't remember when the play-offs started in the premiership. It surely wasn't that long ago, was it? Did they have play-offs, then stopped them and thought, I know what, let's spice it up at the end of the season again and bring the play-offs back. I'm not sure. I was curious if it had been done before. Obviously, the play-offs don't seem to have been around that long. I know, 100%. It's one to do a little of that even to maybe come up when we celebrate the ones who treble next. So, yeah, carry on. I just wanted to talk about Max Page a bit. Because he scored a really good try against Bridgend. Although it was like jokes happening from Bridgend. But he just absolutely smashed through them as well. He looks good in several Drovers games now. And obviously, he looked good for Wales in the twenties. And I think when we had Scott Sneddon on and we asked him who's the next academy player to play for the Scarlets, I think he said Max Page is one of the contenders. We're struggling for depth in the back three at the moment. But he can cover the whole back line. He made headlines in the U26 Nations playing at 12, I believe. How long do you think is between Max Page and his Scarlets debut? I think you can probably expect to see him have his Scarlets debut at some point next season. I probably think he's starting on the wing for us. Yeah. Because he's a 13. Well, he's been playing at 13 for a good while now. You know, age, grade. And that's where he's come through us. And there's still a lot of finishing touches to go in there as it would be with any other 19 or 13 in the world. You know, it's just defensive reads. Just setting his pace up. You know, getting that distance right between your winger and your outside centre is vital in defence. Because, you know, if you've ever played there or you've ever watched specifically that area, you know how hard it is to defend it and to make the right calls effectively and consistently. And another one in attack, which is why he's probably better suited to the wing at the minute, is when he's facing that final defender and maybe he's got a man outside him or whatever. His decision-making is just not 100% all the time. Like, he's been much improved this season. But from watching him back when he was in the under-18s, which was last season, he would come up against the final defender and instead of popping, you know, an easy two-on-one pass, he'd take him on and he'd botch it essentially. Not saying he's a bad player. Just that little bit of decision-making that will come with experience. And, like I've already said, I haven't seen half as much this season with the drawbacks. So, I do believe that's improved. And it probably won't be long until he does actually start fighting for that 13th shirt. But I think it's going to be predominantly win next season. He does have a full-back as well. But I haven't seen enough of him there. I think I've only watched one or two games with him as a full-back. So, I can't really gauge on that. Because, let's be honest, we're really missing a full-back at the minute. And no-one's sticking their hand up. Personally, I'd try him pre-season. See how he goes. And if he's not quite ready, keep him at the drovers. As in, I'd rather see him play week in, week out. And develop those last little bits that you were talking about there in the tack and what have you. And then, when he is ready, bring him back. There's no point in him being in an extended Scala squad, playing 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there. Just let him play every week. Develop, bulk up, whatever he needs to do. Keep his match practice, match fitness up. And then, try him again in a few months. I just think having him holding tackle bags does nothing for his long-term game. And the likelihood then is that he'll get fed up and look elsewhere. Well, at least if he's playing week in, week out and not on the coach's radar, there's something for him to fight for. Well, that's exactly what has happened with another Scarlet. He did have a bad injury. You probably wouldn't know the name. Callum Williams. I don't think he's ever made a competitive start for us. But he's been in our squad for about four or five years. And we don't see him with the drovers, we don't see him with the Quinns, and we don't see him with the Scarlets. And quite frankly, if his contract is up now at this season, I'm very much expecting him to say bye-bye. Because he's always in the barn. He's either signing the shop or he's in the barn doing stuff. But he's never in the matchday 23. And I don't even think he was in the squad for the exit again. So it is one of those things where you've really got to handle these players well. And I think the purpose of EDC and the way it's going to be structured next season is going to lend to that. So where we've seen on the odd two times this year, Archie Hughes, who is our third choice from us, him dropping down playing for the Quins, I think we're going to see a lot more of that with our third choice. Or, if you back row, maybe sixth or seventh choice. We're going to be seeing them play a lot more than EDC just to keep that match fitness up and keep going. It's a bit annoying, really. It's at the end of the season. I suppose you would expect it to come good over the course of the season, but really it feels like now between Archie, Charlie, and now Max Page, we've got these senior academy boys, although I don't think Max is senior academy yet. Yeah, everything over 18 is senior. Okay, so these boys are actually starting to fire now. Maybe it's a bit of improved weather because they are all backs after all, but it just makes you wish the season was about six weeks longer, doesn't it? Yeah, I'm a massive advocate for summer rugby. I'm actually a big advocate for moving the Six Nations as well, but people don't like it when I say that. So, if we carry on with the rest of the community games, Chamberston West is done and finished. Into one West, we had two mid-week games. Vernon Hall went down 19-35. It was home to Gowerton. Sleppy Wonders won 45-7. It was home to Penn Cloud. On to the weekend, and Gowerton beat Bury Port 63-15 at home. Aberystwyth travelled to One Eyelid and played out a 28-goal cracker. And then Hendy rounded off the weekend's action for them with a 29-36 loss at home to Kersennan. Just one game left in this division for us now, and that's Sleppy Wonders against Gowerton. They are playing on Wednesday night. Down into two West, and Amnley United are continuing their absolute menace of an end of season. They played mid-week, losing 24-0 at home to St. Croix. They went down 41-23 away against Mumbles on Saturday. Tomorrow night, now Tuesday night, they are travelling to Milford. And then Saturday, they're travelling to Bishcott. I think it works out something like 10 or 11 games in four weeks. It's unbelievable what they've had to do to really finish off the season. We're going to three West now. And with these two results, well, the first one done at mid-week, Neyland won 17-8 at home to Halford West, meaning Lyon are champions indeed from all said. Lyon then rounded off their season on Saturday with a 52-21 win away at Pembrokeshire. Out wins. Down into three West, two mid-week games. Gwyn's right derby for the ages. Tumble hosting Kevin Aitken. Kevin Aitken were 25-0 up at half-time. And Tumble came back to 21-25 and just ran out of time. It was an epic game, Tumble, by all accounts. And I really wish I was there. It just sounded awesome from everything I've seen and read. The other mid-week games. Trimsaran travelled to Llandybi winning 28-17. On to Saturday, Llandaulog won 29-20 at home to Llandadog. And Huw's beloved New Dock Stars lost 16-41 at home to Kevin Aitken. This season's really gone off the rails at the end. Well, the thing is, the way that the season's being restructured now, three West A and three West B are joining forces. So that means a lot of teams are getting relegated. And with this loss, New Dock Stars are being relegated. So I'm very sorry, Huw. But you've been proudly cheer on for Division 4 Champions next season. How does that sound? Well, I'm just gutted. So, a couple of games left now. We've got Berthus at home to Llandaulog on Tuesday night. On to Saturday, Kevin Aitken at home to Berthus. And Binia travel to Llandaulog. Division 5 West Central. Banwen won 15-18 at home to Pontieffs. And Pen-y-Ban travelled to Pen-Lan and went down by 60 points to 8. Pant-y-Ban and Traveller's Seven Sisters was postponed. I didn't need to check that for whatever reason. Maybe Petch, maybe Pant-y-Ban are not. Reason aside, they haven't won a game all season. I think this must be the last game. I'm not 100% sure, but they still want to have a look while they're doing this. Also, if not, I'm not worried. Games for this week. Wednesday night, we've got Pontieffs at home to Cwmgraf. And then Pen-y-Ban host Cwmgraf on Saturday. So, we promised to have a little look at this. So, I'm going to scroll down and see if you all can see it. Can you see my little bit there? Yeah, so this is the restructuring, is it? This is who's going up and down just for us. Just to have a look. Can you see it all? Yeah. Okay. So, we know Llandewi and Cwmard and Qwins are moving from the Premiership up to the EDC. Championship West, Narbeth, Trangenic and Newcastle Emlyn are all getting promoted to the new-style Premiership. Bonna might reckon are joining them, but we're not too bothered by them. It'll be interesting to watch the Prem next season with all these teams in it. Because, you know, you'd say on merit that there's teams in there that... I'm not just talking about our teams, by the way. There's teams in there that aren't at the level to play in the Premiership. They've gone up because of the restructure. So, I think, is it Ponty and Mirtha will probably be the favourites for the Prem next season? Yeah, Ponty, Mirtha and Neat will most likely be the top dogs. You know, Narbeth and Brecon really did have a stranglehold on this lead. And, obviously, Bargoed, who won the cup and really dominated their league as well. And one team I was not really surprised that they went up, but they normally are a midland team. Cardiff Met, they've come up from Championship East and they've done really, really well. Like, they've led the table for so long. That was by virtue of basically almost playing all the games on the weekends they were meant to. Which is that year, dog. So, we've dropped... Going up to Championship West for next season. Cleffi Wanders, winners of 1 West. Joining them there will be Gawat and Ngo Sainan. Whitland have been relegated, so they will be dropping down out of 1 West into 2 West. Current 2 West champions, St Clair's and second-place Thamby, will be moving up to 1 West. This is also on Kings of Losing, saying this with the league names all the time. A little bit further east, Bryn Latham who play in 1 West Central, they have finished bottom. So, they are dropping down the league, whether that is into 2 West Central or if we can manage to get into 2 West. We're just not 100% sure on that. Into 2 West, now the teams getting relegated down are Ticroise, Pontybairn and Avoney Knighted. They're going to the new 3 West. Coming up from 3 West A is Larn and from 3 West B is Bettas. And now this is the fun one. Because of this merging now, we've got lots of teams from 3 West A and lots of teams from 3 West B all dropping down the division. And we don't know what division they're going into. We don't know if they're going into A or B. It's probably going to be very similar to the way 3 West AB is set up. One Pembrokeshire, Peredigion and one more east of Dyfed. But until we get to know which second teams are being entered, it's really impossible to tell. So, dropping from 3 West A are Neyland, St David's, Pembroke. Christ, that's a fallen half of Pembroke. Pembroke, Dockwinds, Langham and Llanaboda. From 3 West B is New Dockstars, Trimsaran, Furness, Standby, Binia and Tregaran. There's also Pen Y Groes who dropped out of the league earlier in the season. And whether or not they will be rejoining. Hopefully they are. And if they do, we will be down at the bottom in 4 West. But other than that, the whole line-up that really matters and who's going up and down for the next season. Once we get confirmation of who's going where. If we're still running, it probably won't happen until mid-August. Knowing the WIO, we'll let everyone know. So, that was fun. Boyd, how are you feeling? Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it? The new set-up and teams moving here, there and everywhere. I think the 4 West will be interesting, what they do with that. Hopefully, they base it on geography, just to make it fair for those teams. I'm just thinking, off the top of my head now, you've potentially got St David's having to travel to... Would Binia be the most eastern of the teams? I'd have to double-check, but Binia is right by Loughat. That's quite a check for both teams, for the away side. If you've got, for instance, five teams from the 3 West A and moving to the 4 West, it's a lot of travelling down west for Binia, then, if they've got five ships to Pembrokeshire. Obviously, a lot of these clubs are just surviving, so hopefully they see a bit of logic and categorise teams according to location, as opposed to luck and imp. It's going to be one to watch, because we don't know how many second teams are going to be applying to go in. Below the premiership and the championship, which are both 13 teams, everyone else is now a 10-team league. We've got 12 teams going down already, so we know there's 12, so there's eight spots left. I would imagine of the 50-odd teams in the Scarlet branch, within Derby, there's going to be more than eight second teams that are probably going to think, you know what, I want a practical lead. You've got Newcastle Emlyn, who run three sides. There's plenty of teams, and there is a thriving second division in Carmarthenshire. You've got the Castle Howell East, which they run all season. When the boys don't have games, they arrange friendlies, and they do fulfil all these fixtures. It's great for the game. Let's just see how it unfolds. It's going to be mental. We might end up with a five West A and B now, who knows. So, that is all the community games. We've got no clubs now, nothing like that. No games to reveal, but we do have one to preview. So, Saturday, the 11th, quarter-past three kick-off, URT kids round, Scarlet are home to Ulster. Gareth, what are your thoughts on that? Well, I wouldn't usually be doom and gloom after the Sharks game, so I thought it was one we should have won, or sort of I thought we were going to win. But then having seen the Sharks beat Clermont on the weekend, they might be a bit harsh on us. So, I don't know. I wouldn't be optimistic. It's the end of the season. Hopefully, it's good weather again for the boys to show what they can do. But it's just been one of those seasons where nothing's gone right for us, and we've lost heavily. There are some other teams in the league, things haven't gone right for them. Cardiff, for instance, things haven't gone well for Cardiff, but they've picked up six or seven more losing point bonus points than us, so there's a bit of a fight there. We've either won a game or been battered. It doesn't feel like there's any middle ground, and Ulster probably haven't lived up to their expectations, but they'll probably come to us and absolutely destroy us by 40 points. So... Shall we leave the Doom and Gloom alone? I knew Ulster were going to win, but I don't think they're going to. Phil, I'm really sorry, but I should have started with you. Yeah, sorry. No worries. It's difficult to know with Ulster because they've gone through the changing coach, and they spent most of the season between a rock and a hard place. I remember I watched them against the Ospreys, and they were absolutely dreadful in that game. It was one of those where it's like, don't let the backs touch the ball because they're just going to mess it up. Just maul it all day, don't do anything else. They do actually offload quite a lot, but I was just looking at their stats by then, and they're so middling in everything. They're just like middle of the road, middle of the road, middle of the road. I don't think they really had an identity, but like I said, that's based on a season's worth of stats where they had a different coach and it wasn't a happy camp, et cetera. So that's kind of all changed now. They've got a bit of a fresh outlook on life, and the thing is with the way the USC is at the moment is they're not going to be putting out over the second team because everyone has to win every game from first down to 11th in the league. It's just difficult. I think we've just got to focus on ourselves really because I don't think you can prepare much for Ulster. They've got a big couple of games coming up into pros at this end of the season, but I think honestly you've just got to focus on us. So I don't know, from a Scarlett selection point of view, we're just hoping for as close to the Sharks lineup as possible, aren't we? Yeah, I mean, you could probably say a little bit about the same about us in terms of the way the camp has been feeling. You know, I personally think that in the last few weeks, especially since Benetton, there's been an upturn in morale, especially if the boys are happier on the field. I don't know if that's down to Jarrett taking over defence, but that's going to be another interesting one because obviously he's been linked now to the Ulster head coach position. I believe that's done and dusted there is someone else. There's a guy called Lou Dekker who's currently coaching in Japan. He's supposedly all signed up. Well, who knows? Maybe he wants another defence coach. Either way, you know, you kind of ruined me today, but I'm really disappointed with you now. You've just had something going. The boys look happier. Even in defeat, they look a bit happier. Those performances, they're there. They're not quite 100 percent, but we're in games and we've actually won quite easily with those outs. Selection-wise, I think it's only maybe Alex Craig to come back in. You don't want too much tinkering. Alex Craig comes straight back in, so we remove that. I wouldn't want more than one or two changes and that's probably going to be on the bench. Like we've spoken about, we're probably going to want a 6-2 split just because we know Costello is so vital to us and he's going to be playing the 8th unit and just might have a 10 cover on the bench, like specific 10 cover. If we're looking at maybe playing trying Tom Rogers or Tommy Lewis at fullback so we can have Ioan Nicholas on the bench, I don't know the condition of Ioan Lloyd, so he would cover everywhere as well. We're getting better. It's sad to say at the end of the season we're starting to peak, but it is what it is. We've got three games left, two are definitely winnable and I think we can give Ulster a good go. They know they're in great nick themselves and like you said, they've got two games against Munster and Leinster which, if they don't beat us, will decide the season. They've got to come fully loaded against us. This is probably their only chance of four or five points and they're probably looking at us thinking, that's a dandy five-pointer. I think we can probably, on the mental side of things, we can beat them. We can basically show up and go, we're not used to taking, we're not the same team that's left, or whatever, just run riot over us. We assume that we're going to win or just run riot over us. We're here for a game with a team that ran European finalists close a couple of weeks ago. I think that's the mindset we have to take into the game. What do we want to see from the game, though? I don't know when, obviously. Say we don't win, what would you be positive taking out of that match? Honestly, we have something up front for us, I think. With Alex Kerr coming back in, I think that certainly helps. I see him as a, I don't like to compare players, but he's sort of the Jake Ball. He's that dog, workhorse, whatever you want to call him, in the end, in general, that just gives 110 per cent while he's on the pitch. I think the backs we've got, given decent ball, they can cause damage. I just don't think we've had enough quality ball to go out wide. I know we've got to earn the right to go wide, but at times it feels like we have. I ever run hard at centre, we've kicked it away. There's no point having exciting wingers who don't see the ball. Obviously, we might not have weather like we had the Saturday just gone, but if we do have a nice day again, then Prodgers and Lewis, if they're the Saturday wingers, would be licking the lips of the opportunity of running at the Ulster defence from any other pack, because the crowd would be lovely, the crowd would be in good spirits. It's the perfect opportunity for Champaign rugby. As you say, it's almost a free shot. This is a game we don't expect to win, because Ulster need the five points, or their season's over and they're probably out of the play-offs. They're probably going to be nervous, because they know one mistake here, and the last two weeks are worthless. Leinster will probably be out for blood, because they're currently sitting second behind Glasgow, and Munster want to keep the pressure on the top too. It's all or nothing for them, and we've got nothing to lose, but everything to gain. I probably wouldn't change the full-backs. I know you're on, Nicholas. I know he averages a try every five years, so he's on a hot streak at the moment. So let's stick with him. But, no, fronting up, and, I don't know, give the fans something to cheer about. It's been a long, abysmal season. It's time that we started singing again. Yeah, for me, I definitely... We've seen the improvements in the defence, and the attitude and the desire in the defence. I'd like to see more structure to the attack and more planning in the attack now, because, you know, Dwayne keeps saying he wants us to express ourselves and things, etc., and we want to play off the cuff, but I don't know what we look like on the cuff. I think I can name... I can count on one hand the number of set play moves that we've run that have resulted in tries this season, so I would like to see us have some structure to the attack and not just be chucking it around on the wrong side of the halfway line. I would like to see some actual... I can join three movements up and go, oh, I can see what we were trying to do there. And, you know, to be honest, we struggle to score tries. So if we could get... If we could get four-try bonus points, that would be absolutely magic. Ulster do concede tries. So that's kind of what I'm hoping to see, is a bit of purpose and a bit of evidence of planning in the attack, really. If the defence is exactly how it was against the Sharks, then I'll be happy. The attack is now the thing that I want to start seeing, you know, what we've been doing in camp for the last two weeks. Yeah, I'm exactly the same when it comes to the attack. Like, we saw one set play off the back of a scrum against the Sharks that was so close to coming off, but you get so many timeouts, so many scrums in a game. Try these first phase attacks, you know. Phase play takes a long time to develop, and, you know, by rights, we've had a long time to do it. But with the change in coach, blah, blah, blah, you know, I'm not expecting that to develop massively. I would like to see a lot more first phase moves, just to... I think that's the best time for us, because we've got these strike runners, we've got these KC runners. Let's play and use them. Just to be in the game at the 79th minute, that'd be lovely, you know, because that's something we've been missing massively. And, you know, picking up a losing bonus point, picking up two bonus points, you never know, maybe even tipping a win, it'd be nice, as it is the last game at the start of the season. And we are supposed to be getting our leavers announced this week, and they will be presented at the end of the game. So it'd be nice to give these boys, you know, a bit of a show to go off to. And on that front, so let's have some score predictions from you then, boys. Let's start with how he likes being very specific on his scorelines. I'm going to go 24-23 to the Scarlets. Scarlets by one. Karen, how are you doing, bud? What do you think? I'm optimistic, but not that optimistic either. I do think we'll get a side bonus. I can see it being one of those 43-37 gains, but unfortunately I'll still get the win. And I will always go for a Scarlets one, even if I say we're going to lose during the entire podcast. 34-30, I think it's going to be a high score, I think it's going to be a high scorer with a lot of tries. We've got to pick up the win. We've got to pick up the win. A nice try bonus going to finish the season, and something to focus on to move into next year. And we can round off the season with three wins, so wouldn't that be nice? If we do that, we'll have as many wins as we had last season. In the league? Yeah. You've got to include the cap, haven't you? Okay, well, on that very depressing note, okay, Scarlet's going to win. On that note, great to have you boys. All the best for Ulster, and if I get the signal in Turkey, I might join you next week, I might not. Other than that, great to have you here. Tra buid. Cheers, mate. Thank you for listening to the Scarlet's Fever podcast. We hope you enjoyed the show. Please subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to us, as it really helps us spread the word. You can find us on all the usual social media channels, or email us on welshregionalrugbypod at gmail.com. And remember, whatever the question, rugby is always the answer.

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