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Q7-19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor

Q7-19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor




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Talk: 19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 00:33:02 Display_question: What is what is the verbal meaning of going deeper? Keyword_search: seeing clearly, thinking, free, understanding, analyze, eyeglasses, conditioning Question_content: Questioner: What is what is the verbal meaning of going deeper. Larry: Seeing more clearly. Questioner: In this…my experience, this is my first retreat. What I’ve learned… I’ve learned more by feeling than by thinking. Larry: I'm not talking about thinking at all. Questioner: I understand that. So, when you say… use the word in my profession, I do a lot of thinking. When you use the word go deeper, it has no meaning. Larry: I understand. Questioner: So, I try to grasp, what does that feel like? In these nine days, what I have learned, I've learned by just being. Later, I'll write with that. So, what is it that word means to you? Because that's a word is a thinking term. Larry: Okay. I'll try to make it more graphic. I understand. Yeah. How about if I use clearer? Look let's try it this way. I hope this does it. Okay, now, you and I are carrying it and supposing I never heard of eyeglasses. I mean, I come from the moon, and here I am. And I see that what is it? Orange and white. And you kind of have this kind of thing, I guess, a head. Right? And then your sleeves are kind of orange too. And your pants are what? Kind of reddish? So, I see that. But you have to understand, it's very, very blurred. Do you believe me? Questioner: Yes. Larry: Okay now, if I didn't know any better, I really think I'm seeing you. I'm seeing the best I can. Then someone says, hey, try these on. Oh okay. Whoa. It's much clearer. So that I now can see detailed. It's a whole different thing. So, as the mind becomes clearer, the same you is going to be seen in a way, that is incomparable. That's the whole point. What frees us here is seeing. Not trying to get free, trying to struggle to get free, is like a mouse on… not a mouse. The flies on fly paper, they tear their wings. It's the seeing that frees us. Seeing here is also understanding, but it's not intellectual understanding. It's a deep seeing into our own nature. So that's what I meant by deep, but clear may be better. I mean, it has a synonym. Does that help? You're a tough cookie. Okay Questioner: I think so. To go back to my experience with... I was walking. Almost suddenly, I was in a place where I was weeping. I stayed in that place, not really focusing on why it was that I was weeping, although those feelings are familiar, and just finished there, and then went, oh, my God, I've been weeping, and then went back to walking, realizing, well, this may happen again. This has happened before. Larry: Yeah. Questioner: That's as close as I can get to what feels like the insight of the courage you're talking about, which is that, this is really quite transient. It's very real, but it's quite transient. Larry: Yes, but that's part of what we have to learn. Yeah, but you use the phrase, I hope I'm getting it correctly. I saw why it was there. I think you said that. It's not so much why, it's what is this? The quality of our looking is not a figuring out kind of… we're not trying to puzzle it out and analyze it. It's whatever that was, I'm not going to even name it. Obviously, it was in your body, too, right? And there was there some idea first, some notion first. Okay, whatever. Something stimulated it, right? Something happened. Break_line: Okay. It's there. All right. Okay. You'll have to find this out from your own practice. It didn't drop from the sky. Something came before it, which was a prelude to it coming there. But now it's there. That's enough. We don't need to know the rest. The practice is totally attending to what's there. Now. If you're very, very new, and starting to practice, what you're attending to will be very different, than somebody who's been practicing for 25 years. What they're going to see, it's the same. Do you see, that's what I meant by the eyeglasses. Break_line: For one thing, the first kind of looking, will have a lot of self in it. It'll be I'm looking at me weeping, whether you know it or not, there's an investment, an involvement, a concern, a liking, a disliking. With practice, it becomes very, very clear seeing. There’s no…you're not seeing through the eyes of the past, which is basically who you are. That's all in the brain. And when we look, we're seeing it through our conditioning, through what our life has been so far. The mind can become clear, and it can see with present eyes, rather than yesterday's eyes. So that… it's again, I think the image of the glasses is the best I can do, and I'll just leave it at that. End_time: 00:47:36

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